Character Gallery: The Feyborne Chronicles
Yevis, Goddess of War (MrPink)
Yevis plays a large role in the story, for she is the goddess who granted the villain the power to do the things he does. She does this not from a stance of malice, or hatred, as she feels neither such emotion. It is simply her nature to put forth conflict into the world where there is none, from the smallest of arguments to the largest and bloodiest of wars.
The only place in the game she makes a physical appearance is in her palace in the planes of Abaddon, where you travel to find out either the source of the warlords powers, or find a way to surpass it. You do not fight her directly, for no man nor beast can ever fight a god; she does, however, put up quite a gauntlet of challenges against you so you may prove your prowess on the battlefield and earn her blessing in the fights to come.
"Even if you can't see me, you'll be able to sense my presence. The rustic stench of blood on the battle-field, the static in the air you feel while waiting for the word to attack, the adrenaline that pumps through your body as you go for the killing blow, the second wind you get, urging you to fight on even with a longsword lodged deep in your gut...I am war, big and small. Decider of fates of those fell in battle. Blesser of those that show strength of heart and of arm, of will and courage to fight for what they deem to be right."