Game 3

The Feyborne Chronicles.

Team Size: 1

Roles: Executive Producer, Game Director, Lead Writer, Level Designer


The Feyborne Chronicles had an interesting history. Originally thought up as a mod/alternate mode for The Fall of America, my Zombie game, it evolved over time into its own fully fleshed out high fantasy game.

The story does have its complexities when you actually get into it, but it can be simplified quite easily. At its bare bones, the story involves you, a lone wanderer, happening upon a plot of some great warlord who’s been blessed by the gods with a dark power, and in finding it out you take up the responsibility to go and stop him from succeeding.

Pictured right is Yevis, the goddess of war. She will be appearing in the game late as one of the bosses that you have to fight/challenge in your quest to stop the big bad.

The gameplay is traditional first person fantasy, featuring melee weapons (sword, mace, axe, staffs, etc) ranged weapons (bow, crossbow, etc) and magic, along with a few extra powers one can pick up along the way. One interesting feature to the game is that the main story will insist itself upon you, so while you can go out to do side quests, the main quest will alter itself depending on how many in game hours you spend ignoring it. Once you start the main quest, that is.


Pictured: Yevis, the Goddess of War (Mr.Pink)